Awarded Articles
The Long Arm of China, Grand Prize, 2015 Human Rights Press Award
The Long Arm of China, The Bob Considine Award, Overseas Press Club: Best newspaper, news service or online interpretation of international affairs |
The Long Arm of China, Reuters Journalists of the Year Awards
Command and Control The state of journalism in China, 25 years after Tiananmen, Finalist Mirror Awards '15, Newhouse School, Syracuse University
The Lost Boys, South China Morning Post, First Prize, English Magazine, 14th Human Rights Press Awards
Where is Gao Zhisheng, South China Morning Post, English Newspaper (Feature), First Prize, 14th Human Rights Press Awards
In the Shadows, Citation for Reporting Excellence, Asia Society Osborn Elliott Prize for Excellence in Journalism on Asia
Dangerous Elements, Group B Award For Excellence, Awards for Editorial Excellence, The Society of Publishers in Asia (SOPA) 2012
Beyond Belief, Silence of the Dissidents, Darkness at Noon, Dangerous Elements.
Body of Work, First Prize, Newspaper Features, 16th Human Rights Press Awards.
Killer At Large, Feature Writing Group B, Honourable Mention, Awards for Editorial Excellence, The Society of Publishers in Asia (SOPA) | English Magazine, Certificate of Special Merit, 15th Human Rights Press Awards
Silence of the Dissidents , South China Morning Post, Human Rights Reporting Group B, Honourable Mention, 2011 Awards for Editorial Excellence, The Society of Publishers in Asia (SOPA)
Chain of Commands, South China Morning Post, English Newspaper (Feature), First Prize, 15th Human Rights Press Awards
A People Ignored, South China Morning Post, English News Feature, Certificate of Special Merit, 15th Human Rights Press Awards
Nomadic Priest Keeps The Faith Alive, South China Morning Post, English News Feature, Certificate of Special Merit, 15th Human Rights Press Awards